Dear Parents and Community,
We are excited to announce our first ever River of Light!
Please save the date - December 14th, 6pm at the Shelburne Field House for a "mini-concert" performed by SCS 3rd-5th graders. We will follow the concert with a River of Light lantern parade through town where 3rd-5th-grade students will display beautiful handmade paper lanterns constructed in Art Class.
We are in need of parent volunteers for the following (and more!):
- Lantern Construction (no experience needed)
- Moving of equipment - this is a big job, but a short time and desperately needed!
- "Lantern Keepers" during the concert - parents who will be in charge of the lanterns during the event and helping to distribute to children.
- Movers and Shakers - helpers who can help fold and move about 50 chairs immediately after the concert.
ALL of these jobs will still allow you to fully participate and watch the event! Please contact Jodi or Lisa if you are available to help us out.
All are invited - please spread the word. More details will follow in the first week of December.
Happy Vacation!