Hi Everyone,
My name is Heather Bedell, I am the new Student Assistance Program (SAP) Counselor for grades 5-8 at Shelburne Community School (SCS). My role is primarily as an onsite and virtual counselor that supports students with making healthy choices and gaining access to resources such as community agencies or private clinicians for more specialized care when necessary. I also provide school-based services to teachers, administrators, state agencies, providers, communities and students. I am excited to be co-instructing prevention classes, such as Skills4Life!
Are you concerned about your child’s, your friend’s, your own change in mood or behavior? Are you experiencing challenges or conflicts with friends or family and are looking for someone to help? Are you seeking resources on how to talk with your children or friends about making healthy choices? Have big changes and transitions due to the pandemic impacted you and/or your family and you are looking for support?
I am here to help! This year the SAP Counselor (me) will be in my office at SCS 4 days a week during the school day. Due to the hybrid schedule and remote learning, most community connections will be via phone, email and virtual meetings. Students, feel free to stop by when attending in-person!
If you would like more information about Connecting Youth (CY) and Student Assistance Program (SAP), click here. If you would like to make a referral for a student, please click here. I can be reached by phone at (802)985-3331 X138 and by email at: hbedell@cvsdvt.org. I look forward to meeting you all!
Heather Bedell, MS (She/Her/Hers)
5-8 Student Assistance Program Counselor